Choose the most convenient payment and delivery methods
PEREKLAD.UA offers numerous ways of paying for your orders and having them delivered.
You can pay for our work in one of the following ways:
- By cash – at the translation agency’s office or when collecting your order at a Nova Poshta office (via cash on delivery).
- Using a Visa, MasterCard or Maestro card – via a POS terminal at our office, a self-service terminal or online banking.
- Liqpay online payment service
- Using a money transfer system, such as Western Union, Moneygram, Intel Express.
- Using digital currency – WebMoney, Yandex Money.
- Wire transfer – by paying an invoice, including via a SWIFT payment.
If you would prefer a different payment method, please discuss it with our manager.
We deliver orders all over the world, just choose the preferred option:

Around Kyiv
- our own courier (delivery terms to be agreed);
- the Nova Poshta courier delivery (overnight);
- taxi (urgent delivery);
- customer pick-up – 1/7 Malopidvalna St.

Around Ukraine
- Nova Poshta

- Pony Express
- FedEx
- Airmail by Ukrposhta (low prices, but delivery takes at least 10 days).
You can opt for any other delivery method! Call us right now and we will see how we can meet your requirements!