tr?id=316621759254565&ev=PageView&noscript=1 How can Ukrainians legalize documents for China? | Pereklad
beijing-g8042f4f8a_1920 How can Ukrainians legalize documents for China? | Pereklad

For many Ukrainians, the PRC is a country for work, study, life and business. If you are not traveling to China as a tourist, then most likely you will need to have the documents obtained in Ukraine legalized. You cannot do this while abroad.

Why and in when do you need legalization of documents for China?

To work officially, study or conduct business transparently, citizens of Ukraine have to contact government agencies to obtain the appropriate permits, licenses, and other papers. However, such interaction requires documents received in Ukraine, and they are issued in the Ukrainian language. Chinese officials, employers or universities cannot verify the authenticity of such a document.

That is why there is a legalization procedure. For example, if you are going to study in the Middle Kingdom, you have to provide a certificate of secondary education or a diploma of higher or secondary specialized education. To verify them, Ukrainians undergo a legalization procedure.

For the countries participating in the Hague Convention, there is a simplified procedure – apostilization. But China is not a member of The Hague Convention, so foreigners should undergo the legalization procedure.

It is necessary if you:

  • are going to study or work in China;
  • are going to marry a Chinese while in Ukraine;
  • are doing business in the PRC, planning to open a representative office of your company;
  • conduct legal proceedings with Chinese suppliers or citizens;
  • are going to buy a property.

We have cited the most popular reasons as examples, but there are many more.

What documents are required to be legalized for China?

Please note that the legalization procedure takes place on the territory of Ukraine. Make sure you prepared all the documents before the trip.

The most popular documents for China that are legalized with the help of Pereklad Translation Agency:

  • Diploma of education with a transcript.
  • Certificate of good conduct.
  • Certificates of birth and marriage.
  • Documents of legal entities (certificate of registration, licenses, contracts, etc.).

You do not have to legalize your domestic or international passport, driver's license and a number of other documents. To clarify the entire list, please contact Pereklad Translation Agency.

How to legalize documents in Ukraine?

You can take care of the documents preparation yourself. To do this, it is necessary to have the stamps affixed on the documents in the relevant ministries in Ukraine. After that, translate the documents into Chinese and complete the legalization procedure at the Chinese Embassy.

This is a lengthy procedure that takes quite long. Sometimes you may have no time at all, because the trip is about to begin. What to do?

Pereklad Translation Agency will prepare all documents for you in an expedited manner. To do this, it is necessary for our employees to have a power of attorney so that they act on your behalf, can submit and receive documents for you. The power of attorney can be issued in Ukraine or while abroad through the Ukrainian consulate.

Our managers are always ready to consult you on the legalization of documents for China. Registration through our Agency will help you to speed up the procedure, to do everything in accordance with the rules. As for those Ukrainians who do not live in Kyiv they will not have to come here several times to turn to all the authorities on their own. Save your money and time with us.