tr?id=316621759254565&ev=PageView&noscript=1 What types of technical translations exist? | Pereklad - бюро переводов
pexels-hassan-yahia-3582980-5362681 What types of technical translations exist? | Pereklad - бюро переводов

In the translation sphere, all processed materials and volumes of information can be divided into categories, industries, and areas. The approach to work, the complexity of the project, and which specialists can do the translation depend on this. Technical translations are a separate category.

Our Pereklad Agency deals with the following translations:

  • oral;
  • written.

For technical materials, we employ translators who specialize in working with the technical industry. The clients of such services are businesses, enterprises, suppliers, scientific and research institutes.

Technical translation from English is one of the most popular requests in our agency. However, we also work with other languages. If you need, for example, technical translation into German, contact Pereklad.

Types of translations by industry

Technical translations combine many areas of activity. They differ in their terminology, accepted abbreviations and acronyms.

It is customary to distinguish translations for:

  • aviation industry;
  • automotive sector;
  • electric power industry;
  • metallurgy;
  • fuel industry;
  • oil production and refining;
  • chemical industry.

The list does not end there. There are many more areas in the technical industry. This should be taken into account when working with the translation of documents and texts for businesses and enterprises. Each has its own characteristics.

Particular attention should be paid to the translation of terms and the decoding of abbreviations. Even if you use a dictionary or technical reference books, you can often come across several interpretations. In this case, you cannot do without a technical translator with experience in a specific industry.

Technical translation: types of documentation

Another feature of translation for the technical industry is the large amount of documentation. It can be classified in different ways. There are 2 large layers:

  • design documentation related to the design;
  • production documentation, which relates to the organization of work processes at the enterprise.

There are documents for general and special use.

Technical documents also contain numbers, formulas, diagrams, tables and technical drawings. This distinguishes the material from documents in other industries. When translating, it is important to transfer all numbers and designations, as well as correctly translate names, terms and units of measurement. Some countries may use other designations than those accepted in Ukraine. A professional translator takes all this into account when working with technical documentation.

Where to get technical translation of documents in Ukraine?

Enterprises and businesses in the technical field are closely connected with foreign partners, investors, clients, therefore translation of technical documentation in Kyiv is a popular service.

We are ready to provide translators for oral and written translation. We work with all technical fields, types and formats of documents. We are ready to translate from English, German, Chinese, Turkish and other languages of the world. We work with large volumes of information within the specified deadline.

We engage technical translators with experience in a specific industry for your projects. All finished materials undergo a two-stage check, which guarantees our clients high-quality translation of business documentation without errors or inaccuracies.